Feeling Too Much Amazon? Sales Funnels Can Provide Much Needed Relief

sales funnel, amazonAmazon continues to grow by leaps and bounds, taking many online sellers along for the ride. While the thrill of fast growing sales can seem appealing, it leaves many with a bad feeling.

Sort of like the way you feel after a fast roller coaster ride.

Amazon can work great for you, but it leaves you at a serious disadvantage.

  1. You cannot send follow up marketing to customers – Amazon “owns” them, not you.
  2. You cannot offer them related products that they may be interested in.
  3. At any given moment, someone else might be winning the buy box, dropping your sales by 80%.
  4. Ever heard of an Amazon suspension? Ask any big seller – most have likely gone through a few, and it’s not fun.

There’s also that sinking feeling that one day Amazon will throw all their marketplace sellers off their platform and start selling it themselves.

Sales funnels are the light at the end of the tunnel. By building a funnel that targets your most likely customers, you can start building up a stream of loyal customers that can be sold to again and again, without fear of retribution from Amazon.

It harnesses the power of social media to identify prospects that are most interested in your products, and funnels them into buying from you – not once, twice, but multiple times over their lifetime.

Our team at Razor Clicks has been actively focused on building funnels for the past year, across many different industries.

Does a sales funnel make sense for your online business?